Montreal to Marakesh

Travels with my Daughter
Travels With My Daughter will touch a hidden nerve in everyone who reads it. Some may be surprised, even shocked, by the adventures mother and daughter share, especially in Morocco. As the author admits, she has never been a conventional mother, finding it difficult to reconcile her desire for adventure, and her passion for travel, with the responsibilities of motherhood. But everyone will admire her zest for life, her overwhelming desire to engage, to experience. And finally she solves her dilemma by taking her daughter along on her travels, introducing her to a turmoil of experiences, some exciting, some scary, some delightful; creating in her daughter the same appetite for adventure as she has.
Long may Niema Ash be driven by her thirst for the exceptional and het ability to turn it into an exceptional book.
Niema Ash is that rare and most admirable character – a born writer. Bravo!
Irving Layton
Niema Ash’s prose is soaring…I was beguiled.
The Mail On Sunday
A delightful read…you’ll enjoy this one.
The Canada Post
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