Travels with Loreena McKennitt

My Life as a Friend

Loreena McInnet book
Loreena McKinnet book
Sadly, due to restrictions imposed upon me, I am no longer permitted to distribute my book, "Travels With Loreena McKennitt".

Unfortunately, the restrictions also prohibit publishing any personal thoughts or experiences involving Loreena McKennitt. I have therefore been obliged to delete the book extracts and to restrict any mention of a long, close friendship.

I want to thank all those people who have sent me letters of support and especially those who continue to buy my other books.

If you send me your contact details I will inform you should there be a change of circumstances.

With appreciation, Niema Ash

For any queries, please contact

Niema home

Niema Ash books

Nomad Girl

Diana Dors

Loreena McKennitt

Travels With My Daughter

Touching Tibet

W.B. Yeats
